Discount settings

Tools > Administration > Options > Discount settings

Calculation settings:

Settings that determine the behavior of discount types in the LS POS and when discounts are calculated at the time of sale.


Set the calculation settings for an item and a customer.

  • Line: Only give the line discount.
  • Multiline: Only give the multiline discount.
  • MAX (Line, Multiline): Give the higher discount, either line or multiline.
  • MIN (Line, Multiline): Give the lower discount, either line or multiline.
  • Line + Multiline: Add the discounts together.
  • Line * Multiline: Multiply line discount by multiline discount.

Customer Discounts and Periodic discounts:

For customer and periodic discounts choose if it should be always calculated, every line, or if calculated only on total.


Last updated: 9th November 2016
Version: LS One 2016.1